Club Race Hero was a role model

ps-racing 3D-1/12 v3

Ps 3d 112
  • Manufacturer: ps-racing, Austria
  • Bodyshell: MonTech P911GT3
  • Standard: rear ball
  • Optional: Turnigy Trackstar 13.5T,all Contact 38/35 sh,Turnigy OneCell,oil filled,Power HD 3688HB,2WD, direct,ps-racing 3D 3D 1/12,ball bearing

Club Race Hero published a 3D-printed chassis for 1/12 scale that made me think I could try this too.

Ps 3d 112 c

Adopting the Club Race Hero design to XRay parts for the front axle and the motor pod took a little while … but Version 3 worked after some more modifications.